Cara is extremely proud of her work as:
Anna Brown - Killers Of the Flower Moon - Dir. Martin Scorsese
Emily Rusk - Day of Reckoning - Dir. Shaun Silva
Ani - Ice Fall - Dir. Stefan Ruzowitzky
Lilian - Edendale - Dir. Daniel Madore
Cara feels lucky to have been a part of the 4th Annual Native TV Writers Lab, The Colony at A3 Artists Agency, and the 3rd annual Native American Features Lab!
Currently she is pitching a thriller she co-wrote with Dennis Fallon. Rideshare is a 90 page thriller following a woman who is stalked and tortured as her life is stripped away.
Cara has also optioned a book and is co-writing a feature film with the author. More to come!
Producing came out of frustration - of not seeing the representation in the media that is in the world.
And this is why she created
Kochena Entertainment
Through her company she has taught multiple filmmaking workshops for Native American youth along with her friend, filmmaker LaRonn Katchia. In these workshops they have produced shorts with the Warm Springs youth that have premiered at LA Skins Fest.
Official Trailer
Help bring independence back to our nation’s most severely wounded veterans.
The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.
Do you have more questions?
Are you interested in collaborating on a project?
Send me a message, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Courtney Petrakis (Miller)
Elysian Heights
(774) 212-0433
Persona PR
Jordyn Palos or Jamie Lobel
(310) 601-2734